Inspired approach.
With Sharon Bull MMTI, CertEd, ITECDip, Grad.IPD
Founder of touchenergy, and the new Unfurl Wellbeing Initiative, Sharon is a highly qualified professional, multiskilled, experienced bodyworker, lifecoach and engaging teacher. Her easygoing and unique approach has allowed her to work successfully improving people’s health and wellbeing since 1999. She uses her experience, intuition, skills and knowledge as a creative toolkit to uniquely meet a large variety of clients’ needs whether physical, mental or emotional, group, team or individual.
Holistic health journey
Sharon started her holistic health journey in 1997, amazed at the power of stress and unresolved trauma that brought her overseas HR career to an end with a health collapse resulting in chronic fatigue and cPTSD diagnoses. Retraining in holistic bodywork, she explored the mindbody connection that, alongside Reiki Seichem, teacher and personal development and shamanic practices manages her physical, mental and emotional health through life’s challenges. Sharon is passionate about sharing the body’s innate ability to heal, our relationship with it and the importance of self awareness and mindfulness for our health and wellbeing everyday.
Our Goal
is that nurturing touch and mindfulness become a part of our everyday enabling us to live our lives healthier and happier.the touchenergy team…

Sharon Bull
founder of touchenergy,
Mindful Life Coach, Tutor, & Complementary Therapist, Reiki Seichem, Postgraduate Supervisor & Mentor
Live life well...
"Learn to pause, or nothing worthwhile will catch up with you"

Sandi Steggles
Holistic massage, Reflexology & Yoga instructor

Carol Fitzgerald
Reflexology & Reiki

Kimberley Gordon
Holistic Massage, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy